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KB KeywordSearch
2try4 Search Tools
Predictive Automated Smart Search (PASS ver.1)
2try4 Support Tools
Browser Support
Internet Explorer 7 - Support
KB News Links
Live Support Now







2try4 Search Tools

BASIC Internet Explorer 5.5+ Internet Explorer 7 Mozilla / PDA

PASS ver.1.1 - ( Predictive Automated Smart Search)
Open links in a new window
Find word in search screens

Keyboard shortcuts

PASS ver.1.1
- ( Predictive Automated Smart Search)
Find word in search screens - CTRL+F
Open links in a new window SHIFT+click
Open links in a new tab CTRL+click

Keyboard shortcuts in the background

Open links in a new tab in the foreground CTRL+SHIFT+click
Open a new tab in the foreground CTRL+T
Open a new tab from the address bar ALT+ENTER
Open a new tab from the Toolbar Search Box ALT+ENTER
Open Quick Tabs (thumbnail view) CTRL+Q
Switch between tabs CTRL+TAB/CTRL+SHIFT+TAB
Switch to a specific tab number CTRL+n (n can be 1-8)
Switch to the last tab CTRL+9
Close current tab CTRL+W
Close all tabs ALT+F4
Close other tabs CTRL+Alt+F4


Open links in a new window
Find word in search screens


PASS ver.1 - ( Predictive Automated Smart Search)
Open links in a new window

Open links in a new window
Find word in search screens



2try4 Support Tools




Browser Support

These are the recommended option for 2try4 Platform

Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 2try4.com, 2try4.net,

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5+

2try4.net, 2try4.com,
Netscape ver 8 + 2try4.net, 2try4.com, 2y4.net
Mozilla 2y4.net
PDA / Mobile devices 2y4.net

Easy start, access by any browsers. This site will navigate you to the best version for you configuration. However you may be missing the enhanced tools in 2try4.net

This site is best for use with a PDA, supports most browsers.

Access for use with Internet Explorer 6.0+, supported by IE browsers.

Supports ONLY IE browsers, this is the portal web site for developers.

This site is best for use for fast search indexing, supports most alternative browsers.


KB News Links




Internet Explorer 7 Support

2try4 is developed to work with Internet Explorer error free.

Add 2try4 search to IE 7
Browser update "ie6 spoof"
Internet Explorer 7 Common Errors
Internet Explorer 7 Phishing
Add 2try4 search to Internet Explorer 7
This link above will allow you to access 2try4 directly from Internet Explorer 7 search box.
Using Internet Explorer 7 can cause site compatibility problems this is a quick fix
Known problems with I.E. &
About Internet Explorer phishing settings


Add 2try4 search to IE 7





These are a list of common errors that have occurred when browsing various sites while using IE 7. These issues are related to other websites / web services and not 2try4. Add 2try4 search to IE 7

  1. A websites appears broken or not working with Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3.
  2. Website not loading correctly in Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3
  3. Website opens in Internet Explorer 6 (ie6) , but not Internet Explorer 7 (ie7)

Other How to ? links & errors:

  1. Internet Explorer 7 download
  2. Download ie 7 Beta
  3. IE 7 Beta
  4. IE7 2 beta download
  5. 7 beta 2 ie uninstall
  6. Blocks Toolbars
  7. Not compatible in ie7
  8. Disable toolbars ie 7
  9. Lost Toolbars ie7
  10. 7 beta 2 ie
  11. 7 beta 3 ie
  12. Remove IE 7
  13. IE 7 Cookies
  14. IE 7 CSS Drop shadow
  15. IE7 vmware
  16. IE7 rss suggestion
  17. IE7BETA3-WindowsServer2003-x64-enu.exe
  18. IE7BETA3 - Windows - x86-enu.exe
  19. WindowsXP-x86-ENU.exe
  20. IE7-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe
  21. Best Practices
  22. Using IE 7 Tabs


The website may be customized for Internet Explorer 6 instead of Internet Explorer 7.

Try this Microsoft utility "spoof", then revisit the website as Internet Explorer 6.

Click here and use this tool to change your registry and allow you to view the troublesome website. (Click "Run" to have the tool update your registry.)

Want to undo the workaround?

Click here to reset your registry back to the way it was working with Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3. (Click "Run" to have the tool update your registry. )












PASS ver.1.1

2try4 - Predictive Automated Smart Search

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

These are automated keyword terms. Please browse the directory to discover new terms available.

Go to 2try4+PASS


alltheweb = !atw (AllTheWeb search engine: Low bandwidth)

aol = !aol (Aolsearch: Low bandwidth)

art = !images (Image search engine: Low bandwidth)

atlas = !map (Maps Zip code search engine: High bandwidth)

atw = !atw (AllTheWeb search engine: Low bandwidth)

auction = !auction (Auction search: Medium bandwidth)


Bid = !auction (Auction search: Medium bandwidth)

buy = !auction (Auction search: Medium bandwidth)

buying = !auction (Auction search: Medium bandwidth)









ebay = !ebay (ebay auction search: Low bandwidth)



for+sale = !auction (Auction search: Medium bandwidth)

freeware = !software (Software search: Medium bandwidth)

ftp = !ftp (FTP download engine: Low bandwidth)


gallery = !images (Image search engine: Medium bandwidth)

ggg = !google (Google search engine: Low bandwidth)

google = !google (Google search engine: Low bandwidth)





image = !images (Image search engine: Medium bandwidth)

images = !images (Image search engine: Medium bandwidth)












map = !map (Maps Zip code search engine: High bandwidth)

maps = !map (Maps Zip code search engine: High bandwidth)

mamma = !mamma (AllTheWeb search engine: Low bandwidth)

msn = !msn (AllTheWeb search engine: Low bandwidth)









photo = !images (Image search engine: Medium bandwidth)

pic = !images (Image search engine: Medium bandwidth)

pics = !images (Image search engine: Medium bandwidth)









sale = !auction (Auction search: Medium bandwidth)

sell = !auction (Auction search: Medium bandwidth)

shareware = !software (Software search: Medium bandwidth)

shop = !auction (Auction search: Medium bandwidth)

shops = !auction (Auction search: Medium bandwidth)

software = !software (Software search: Medium bandwidth)


















yahoo = !yahoo (Yahoo! search engine: Low bandwidth)